10 29 05 191 W, 1 I - + 147 - 122


I used the Green Monster all year - in some 16 Field Trials - and here are my thoughts

- It is easy to blow at high volume and is crisp and clear at high volume. It is hard to blow well at low volume and sounds squeaky - to me - at low volume.

- The GM adds 50-75 yards to the effective distance of my Fox 40 and can be blown for longer periods of time than the Fox 40.

- The GM lacks the inflection I can get from my Fox 40. I use my Fox 40 to about 150 yards, then I switch to the GM

- The GM is bulky and noisy. It clanks against my Fox 40 whistles under my jacket. I resolved this issue by wrapping my GM in yellow duct tape. I think the GM may be slightly louder with the duct tape wrap, but cannot be sure. At any rate, I have lost no distance by wrapping my GM and it is significantly quieter now.

I think it is something every competitor should have in the tool box.

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