02 16 05 413 W - + 159 - 152

PRELIMINARY REPORT CARD Well, it’s been all of one day that we’ve had Cha Cha. What do I think so far?

First, and most importantly, she is a very healthy puppy. Coat is thick, full, and shiny. She is well nourished, but not fat. Conformation looks good - bite good, very sturdy in hips and shoulders. She is bold and is scurrying quickly up the stairs. Made it down the stairs the earliest of all the puppies we have had so far - but still requires encouragement.

Second, and almost as importantly, she has been very well socialized. She is very curious about everything, not skittish about anything. Will stroll right up to new people - Cha Cha went right up to all the folks at Mesa Veterinary Hospital and introduced herself. She loves being held and stroked. New noises - e.g., washing machine, dryer - do not startle her. Tonight, we invited into bed, and she immediately placed herself in the nook between Stephanie’s pillow and mine and slept there until 2 am when she had to go out.

Third, I think Kristie must have put a great deal of effort into getting her started in the process of housebreaking. Yesterday, while I was working in my home office, on two occasions, Cha Cha got fired up and started barking wildly. I thought that she was just being noisy (she tends to be vocal, something I am going to keep an eye on). Well, the first time was a prelude to a poop. The second time was a prelude to a pee. It seems that Cha Cha is very demonstrative when she needs to go. This is a wonderful thing - and I am going to learn to pay closer attention to her vocalization.

As I have said, I have had very good success in the puppies I have had over the years - in large part, because I believe that the breeders I have chosen were truly committed to raising their puppies as well as possible. Cha Cha is the nicest puppy that I have ever had - at this stage. I think it speaks volumes for the dedication that Kristie brings to raising puppies - something that is evident when you visit her website.

Of course, it remains to be seen whether Cha Cha can mark - that is something that always takes some time to determine.

But, right now, I would give Cha Cha an “A.”
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