02 17 05 249 W - + 154 - 147

HOUSEBREAKING - PART 2 The behaviorialists tell us that puppies are born with the instinct to not soil their den. Clever breeders take advantage of this instinct by providing mother and her litter with clean sleeping facilities which are adjacent to airing areas where puppies can eliminate. Over time, the puppies' instinct to keep their den clean is reinforced.

I have asked Kristie Wilder if she might post on what she does - and perhaps share some photos of her setup with us - because I have had some clean puppies over the years, but Cha Cha is by far the best.

She becomes very agitated when she is about to go and starts to bark in a very excited voice. She is very reliable in these warning signs. Because I don't believe in accidents, I am certain that there is something Kristie does to encourage cleanliness in her puppies. I am hoping she will share her secrets with us.

On a related note, during the first week puppy is with me, I try to spend as much time as possible with her. Of course, in the general sense this is to encourage the bonding process between the two of us. More specifically, it assists me in "reading" my dog. For example, learning that when Cha Cha starts to scurry around the office, and begins to bark, it is time to go. If I hadn't spent the time to get to know her, those warning signs might have been lost.

Ancient Chinese Secret!!! ...not telling… ;) ...I’ll think about it…
Kristie Wilder (Email) - 17 02 05 - 11:56

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