02 22 05 108 W, 1 I - + 152 - 149


Here is an essential element of puppy training - rarely mentioned - the Puppy Training Pack.

I keep one in the back of my Expedition, next to the Dog Crate. Inside are the essential tools for puppy training:

1) Canvas puppy bumper;
2) Long cloth leash;
3) Flexi-lead;
4) Plastic bags for cleaning dog poop; and
5) Doggie cookies.

It's great to have all of your stuff in one place.

Cha Cha and I stop for a walk. I grab the pack. And if the mood suits me, I am ready to throw a few marks. Or work on some basic obedience.

Great idea—I’ve made up my own puppy pack and Maxx (my pup) and I have made very good use of it.
mike ormsby (Email) - 10 02 06 - 07:28

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