03 29 05 179 W, 1 I - + 158 - 160


When dog gets to line, gunner on left blows duck call, then shoots and launches a winger bird. The bird lands in about the center of the photograph - in line with the corner of the water and land for the point in the middle. Blind is planted on the right edge of the knoll across the water.
Wind blowing diagonally from lower left corner of photo to upper right edge of photograph.

Ace did not break (whew).
Great initial line, then hooked hard in direction of bird.
Stopped him. Angle back right (too much cast).
Stopped him. Straight left.
He gets in water. (Alright). Then hooks hard left (Arghh)
I was a beat slow on whistle (Bad Ted)
Give angle back right. He takes it, then scallops left and beaches.
I give right over (knowing we are cooked).
He takes left over into water - we are gone.

I blame myself for being slow on the whistle.
I am not yet competition ready.
But soon .........

Ted, I’m having a problem on the placement of the birds in this test. The poison bird lands short of the line to the blind? The line to the blind goes over the left of the two points near the end, to right side of the mound right past the waters edge with heron or something on it? Dogs can see and smell the bird when they are on the point but not see the bird from the early water? At first I thought it was an under the arc blind but your written description says otherwise. Tough to loose your last bullet.
Howard (Email) - 30 03 05 - 21:42

There is next week though :)
Howard (Email) - 30 03 05 - 21:43


Blind is over the middle point. Poison bird falls in line with intersection of land and water for that point. Dogs wind bird as they are about to enter water.

It’s next week.

Ted (Email) - 31 03 05 - 22:02

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