04 05 05 217 W, 5 I - + 149 - 133


Both Stephanie and I believe that Cha Cha is one of the smartest puppies we have had. That is, she seems to learn things very quickly. "Sit" and "Here" came very quickly to her. We now have a game where she sits at the top of the stairs until I get into my basement office and say "here." She got the game in two tries.

Tonight, something happened to confirm our belief. I went to a board meeting for the Rocky Mountain Retriever Club and left Cha Cha with Stephanie. After feeding Cha Cha, Stephanie put her in the kennel in my basement office.

A few minutes later, Cha Cha was upstairs in the kitchen jumping in Stephanie's lap. Stephanie put Cha Cha back in her kennel. Again, a few minutes later, Cha Cha was back upstairs. Stephanie decided to get to the bottom of the mystery.

Apparently, Cha Cha learned that she could work the latch with her paw.

By swiping the latch, she could gradually work it loose

And eventually, JAIL BREAK

We think she is pretty clever.


this is the type of stuff that everyone talks about, but nobody has proof. Great pics!! Naughty little biscuit!
Kristie Wilder (Email) - 06 04 05 - 17:12

That is one smart cookie, and to catch it on film priceless!!
Jay MIller (Email) - 14 04 05 - 20:13

You are in trouble now, bro! Could be the puppy is smarter than you.

Lisa Van Loo (Email) - 21 04 05 - 09:22

is that your old teddy bear ICE??
alias - 28 04 05 - 10:37

If you are talking about the one Cha Cha is sitting on, yes, Randy, it is.
Ted (Email) - 28 04 05 - 16:23

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